Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jump and the Universe Will Catch You

I finally did it. I jumped. I put in my resignation at my job that I've been at for over 13 years. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I needed a catalyst to push me. It's a new year and time for changes. Over the holiday break I felt my urge to spread my wings grow and the day before work started again, I had an immensely motivating and confidence-building day.
Anything You Want

To seal the deal, on my first bus ride back to work this year, I read "Anything You Want" by Derek Sivers. The book is about his founding of CD Baby and his approach to doing it really struck a chord with me. He didn't set out to become the next big thing. He did it because he loved helping others, sticking to his guns and not taking the quick money built a faithful customer base and a successful business.

I want to do something I love. I love software development. I love photography. I love tinkering. I love traveling. I love learning new things. I love athletic endeavors. I hope one of these passions can afford me a living wage.

I'm terrified and almost tearing up as I write this. I've never run a business before. I don't know how to promote myself. I'm not a particularly outgoing person. I picture business leaders to be charismatic, outgoing people.

I want this experience to force me to overcome my fears. Ordinary people do extraordinary things everyday. It must be doable. I think I've just never really been tested. I have some very strong and inspirational people in my life and I hope to channel their strengths to help me build something successful.

If it doesn't work out, at least I tried.

As a good friend and inspiration once told me, "Jump and the universe will catch you." It's time to show the universe what I'm made of.


  1. Proud of you! As someone who has done something scary, know it is totally worth it despite losing that comfort net. What you are doing is even MORE awesome. And we hope to follow in your footsteps one day. :) I look forward to your writings!

  2. You know your Dad and I are here for you if you need anything! We're proud of you and love and support you!
