Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Prelaunch Checklist

I made a big decision yesterday. I made another big decision this morning: do I stay snuggled up under the nice warm covers or do I wake up at 5am and go for a run in 30 degree weather.

One thing I realized in both circumstances is it really came down to a last minute go or no go. If you've ever watched a shuttle launch, just before launch, the launch director queries all of the mission controllers: Weather? Go. Safety? Go. Comm? Go. Landing? Go. If you're curious about the process, check out this article.

Any one of those numerous checks can stop the liftoff, and it has many, many times. Even with all of those checks in place, there is some level of confidence; that gut feeling that everything will work.

I went through a similar process all day yesterday. Emergency Fund? Go. Skills Prepared? Go. Mentally Prepared? Go. Emotionally Prepared? Maybe. My final "Go" came just 5 minutes before my 3pm goal. I didn't print my resignation letter until 2:55. There was no looking back.

Some decisions are harder than others, but only until you've made them. Once I made each decision, a weight was lifted from my shoulders and I was happy with them.

I did get up to run this morning and I'm glad I did. It was cold, but it was a good opportunity to reflect on everything that has transpired in the last 24 hours. I was prepared for the cold for the most part. I could've used a better pair of gloves, but I'll just add that to my prelaunch checklist for next time.

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